Healing Haven Ministry - Setting God's People Free

visited this project
8 months ago
We are a Christian ministry that serves people who have been hurt, have had traumatic experiences, and who feel defeated and discouraged. We do up to four hour sessions with each individual person and invite the Holy Spirit to lead in how He desires to heal them. People leave completely healed from past hurts and traumas and leave feeling closer to God after the session is over because of the truth He spoke to their heart regarding their hurt. Target audience is Christians and churches.
  • Design Briefa year ago
    Logo Name:
    Healing Haven Ministry - Setting God's People Free
    Company Intro:
    We are a Christian ministry that serves people who have been hurt, have had traumatic experiences, and who feel defeated and discouraged. We do up to four hour sessions with each individual person and invite the Holy Spirit to lead in how He desires to heal them. People leave completely healed from past hurts and traumas and leave feeling closer to God after the session is over because of the truth He spoke to their heart regarding their hurt. Target audience is Christians and churches.
    Hello! Thank you so much for taking the time to do my logo! It really means a lot to me and the ministry. I'm excited to collaborate and see the beautiful work you will come up with!! Logo #1) I pictured hands (God's hands) releasing a dove. The dove has a wide, majestic wing span (unlike my photo, haha). In the hands, it says "Setting God's People Free." The font doesn't have to match the one in the drawing. I would like the font to be welcoming yet, strong. I would like to see the part of the logo with "setting God's people free" with light coming from it and then one without light coming from it. Regarding the hands, instead of the drawing I made where it looks like you're looking down on the hands if you could make it to where it looks like you're at eye level with the hands, I would like to see a logo with both of those perspectives, please! I would also like the hands to look like they are letting the dove go and not look like they are holding the dove (like my photo). Logo #2) I also pictured a logo with the ministry name being held in hands (again, God's hands). I pictured the "V" in "haven" as a heart. I would like to see both, "Setting God's People Free" in and out of the hands, please. I picture God's hands to be big and strong yet, loving and protective. Logo #3) Ministry name in the front lines of war and a soldiers next to the logo defending it. A few other separate ideas is seeing the "A" in haven as a house or the "I" as a lighthouse. Logo with a lion in it. A logo where people are coming in looking discouraged and disheveled and then leaving completely transformed into a refreshed and renewed appearance. Thank you so much, again. I am very excited for this process!
    Logo pic.jpg
    heart logo.jpg

    Reference Samples:

  • DreamLogoDesign selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Rizqy selected as finalist!a year ago
  • Design Concepts Completeda year ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 172 submissions from 17 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #173 by Rizqy
    #78 by DreamLogoDesign
    #74 by estupambayun
    #72 by WhapsFord
    #71 by Artomoro
    #63 by Gwerth
    #58 by jaize
    #55 by veron
    #54 by Suvendu
    #53 by Gilate
    #52 by Andre
    #51 by Koushik
    #22 by LogoQueen
    #16 by Vins
    #8 by ahmadaji
    #7 by cikiyunn
    #1 by dewipadi
    ALL 172 Designs >
  • Design #163 by Rizqy is declared WINNER!a year ago
    #163 by Rizqy