Meet Me on the Moon

visited this project
8 months ago
Business Name: Meet Me on the Moon Subtitle: Connections & Matchmaking About the Company: - Meet Me on the Moon is a warm and welcoming matchmaking and connections service that believes in the power of genuine relationships. - Our dedicated team is committed to understanding your story, dreams, and desires to help you find lasting connections and true love. Color Palette: - Primary Colors: 1. Twilight Blue: #1E2753 2. Blush Rose: #FF7E67 - Secondary Color: 3. Flat Silver: #B1B2C1 Design Guidelines: - Incorporate a central element that symbolizes a moon or moon-related imagery (e.g., crescent moon) to tie into the business name. - Include a rocket or rocket silhouette as an essential design element. - Maintain a gender-neutral and inviting color palette that includes blush rose, twilight blue, and flat silver. - The logo should evoke warmth, personal connection, and the pursuit of genuine relationships. - Please avoid incorporating people or hands as design elements in the logo to ensure it remains gender-neutral. Additional Information: - Target Audience: Mainly individuals aged 40 and above seeking meaningful connections and relationships. - Unique Selling Proposition (USP):MMOTM prioritizes understanding each client's unique story, dreams, and desires to create lasting connections and nurture genuine relationships. - Tone and Voice: Maintain a warm, personal, and down-to-earth tone in all branding materials. - Logo Usage: The logo will be used on the website, social media profiles, business cards, and marketing materials. - Additional Design Elements: Avoid people or hands as design elements in the logo to maintain gender neutrality. - Brand Story: Centered around the belief in the power of genuine relationships and the importance of understanding each client's unique journey.