Consolidated Distribution Partners

visited this project
2 years ago
We are suppliers of a technologically advanced composite wall and building system using steel SIP. Our steel panels can be used for residential and multi-family homes as well as mid-rise and high-rise buildings in the commercial space. Our panels are energy efficient, sustainable and safe and bring about construction efficiency. Our target audience is anyone looking to build any structure like a house, warehouse, townhouse, building or storage facility.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Consolidated Distribution Partners
    Company Intro:
    We are suppliers of a technologically advanced composite wall and building system using steel SIP. Our steel panels can be used for residential and multi-family homes as well as mid-rise and high-rise buildings in the commercial space. Our panels are energy efficient, sustainable and safe and bring about construction efficiency. Our target audience is anyone looking to build any structure like a house, warehouse, townhouse, building or storage facility.
    Showing both the name and abbreviated letters (CDP) in the logo. As we are a technologically advanced system, something more forward thinking in design. Colors: dark-ish blue, grey black. Include some design element to show we are builder (part of house, roof etc, not too much but just an indicator)

    Reference Samples:

  • alby selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 164 submissions from 41 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #178 by usef44
    #175 by ragnar
    #174 by lj.creative
    #172 by Sami Ur Rab
    #171 by MonkDesign
    #169 by Giandra
    #166 by M Fariid
    #163 by Pompi
    #162 by Ariza Mauliza
    #158 by ian69
    #157 by Venom
    #153 by zakdesign700
    #148 by jancok
    #146 by PRN123
    #145 by Gedibal
    #133 by alby
    #126 by bigboss
    #121 by Nnoepran
    #119 by scania
    #118 by zeta
    #116 by Gilate
    #115 by sanworks
    #106 by Franky.
    #101 by creator_studios
    #93 by biaggong
    #92 by Diponegoro_
    #87 by cintoko
    #82 by hopee
    #79 by rey
    #77 by DDiancox
    #67 by Adundas
    #64 by agil
    #61 by Aalvin
    #59 by Artomoro
    #57 by oke2angconcept
    #55 by mewlana
    #52 by Rizqy
    #43 by Barkah
    #42 by FaniLa
    #11 by Lewung
    #8 by dewipadi
    ALL 164 Designs >
  • Design #13 by alby is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #13 by alby