Castleberry ISD Fine Arts

visited this project
a year ago
The Castleberry ISD Fine Arts Department has a wide range of audiences, including students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the local community. Students: The primary audience for a school district's fine arts department is typically the students themselves. The department provides opportunities for students to engage in various forms of artistic expression, such as visual arts, music, and theater. These programs aim to foster creativity, skill development, and a deeper appreciation for the arts among students. Parents: Parents are also an important audience for the fine arts department. They often attend performances, exhibitions, and showcases featuring their children's artistic work. Additionally, parents might support and encourage their children's participation in fine arts programs, recognizing the educational and personal growth benefits they offer. This includes parents of currently enrolled students, as well as those looking for school districts to enroll their child. Local Community: The local community, including residents and community organizations, can be another target audience for the fine arts department. Fine arts events, exhibitions, and performances are often open to the public, allowing community members to engage with and appreciate the artistic talents of the students.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Castleberry ISD Fine Arts
    Company Intro:
    The Castleberry ISD Fine Arts Department has a wide range of audiences, including students, parents, teachers, administrators, and the local community. Students: The primary audience for a school district's fine arts department is typically the students themselves. The department provides opportunities for students to engage in various forms of artistic expression, such as visual arts, music, and theater. These programs aim to foster creativity, skill development, and a deeper appreciation for the arts among students. Parents: Parents are also an important audience for the fine arts department. They often attend performances, exhibitions, and showcases featuring their children's artistic work. Additionally, parents might support and encourage their children's participation in fine arts programs, recognizing the educational and personal growth benefits they offer. This includes parents of currently enrolled students, as well as those looking for school districts to enroll their child. Local Community: The local community, including residents and community organizations, can be another target audience for the fine arts department. Fine arts events, exhibitions, and performances are often open to the public, allowing community members to engage with and appreciate the artistic talents of the students.
    This logo should align closely with the logo for the school district. An EPS file is attached. It should subtlely incorporate the music, art, and theatre strands the district provides students. This may be done in lieu of the lion that is included on the district logo. Castleberry ISD does not have a dance program, so that will not be necessary to include. Something like adding a brush stroke could be a subtle nod to the art strand. Download the EPS file of the logo here: Use the following color specs: Red #C51D25 Lt. Blue #BAE3FD Navy #172E5C Grey #D1D3D4 Lt. Grey #F6F6F6
    CISD Lions RGB_Flat_White Outline.png
  • Vins selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 35 submissions from 8 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #35 by Vins
    #25 by Dhieko
    #22 by LogoQueen
    #21 by MUSANG
    #19 by DreamLogoDesign
    #15 by coco
    #14 by jaize
    #7 by Koushik
    ALL 35 Designs >
  • Design #35 by Vins is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #35 by Vins