PNW Survival Games

visited this project
4 months ago
This will be an annual event where people will camp and learn bushcraft survival skills and then compete against each other. This will happen in the forest of the Pacific North West in Oregon and Washington. We will be attracting outdoor adventure seekers who like camping, hunting, and bushcraft.
All Submissions167
#145 by jaize $99
#144 by jaize $99
#143 by Galfine $99
#142 by Galfine $99
#135 by subrata $99
#134 by subrata $99
#133 by subrata $99
#132 by subrata $99
#131 by subrata $99
#126 by Vins $99
#125 by Gilate $99
#116 by czars $99
#115 by Koushik $99
#114 by Koushik $99
#113 by Koushik $99
#112 by Koushik $99
#110 by Gilate $99
#107 by Gilate $99
#106 by Gilate $99
#104 by LogoQueen $99
#103 by LogoQueen $99
#102 by Gilate $99
#101 by Gilate $99
#100 by uttam $99
#99 by uttam $99
#98 by uttam $99
#97 by uttam $99
#96 by uttam $99
#95 by uttam $99
#94 by uttam $99
#93 by uttam $99
#92 by Gilate $99
#91 by uttam $99
#90 by uttam $99
#89 by uttam $99
#88 by uttam $99
#87 by uttam $99
#86 by uttam $99
#85 by uttam $99
#84 by uttam $99
#67 by Gilate $99
#66 by Gilate $99
#65 by Gilate $99
#62 by Rizqy $99
#59 by Rizqy $99
#58 by Rizqy $99
#57 by Mary $99
#51 by Gwerth $99
#50 by Gwerth $99
#49 by Gwerth $99
#45 by Gilate $99
#44 by Gilate $99
#43 by hopee $99
#42 by Gilate $99
#41 by Gilate $99
#34 by Koushik $99
#33 by Koushik $99
#23 by cocote $99
#22 by Gilate $99
#21 by cocote $99
#20 by cocote $99
#17 by uttam $99
#16 by uttam $99
#15 by uttam $99
#11 by hopee $99
#2 by garam $99
#1 by garam $99