Professor John McKinney

visited this project
2 years ago
I am a college professor that teaches Human Resources and Management. I currently teach at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga, and at Southern New Hampshire University. My target audience will be college of business students.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Professor John McKinney
    Company Intro:
    I am a college professor that teaches Human Resources and Management. I currently teach at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga, and at Southern New Hampshire University. My target audience will be college of business students.
    Purpose: This logo will be used on all of my recorded online lectures and on my YouTube channel "Professor John McKinney", which touches on HR related topics. Character: Ideally, I would like to be a character within the logo (I attached three images with me in it, I am the one in the middle). Please make sure I am dressed business casual and am wearing a collared shirt, or a button up shirt (closed or open). Colors: I am open to all colors, however I teach at UTC and SNHU which have similar color schemes. It may be nice to use similar colors if possible. I have included their logos for reference. Ideas: I am open to many ideas, however I would like to be a character within the logo. I would also like for the logo to say "Professor John McKinney". If you use smaller text, then it should say "Human Resources & Management". If there is a way to add images related to Human Resources or Management that would be great. I do also teach on Global HR and International Management, so you may be able to add some flags or a globe (earth). If you want to try using flags in your image then make sure to utilize at least the United States, Chile, Canada, or Antarctica flags. You could also want to find a way to possibly use Fletcher Hall or Chattanooga landmarks as your background. You can find both of them in the images below. These are just a few ideas, but I will leave it up to you to submit your create ideas.
    Fletcher Hall.jpg

    Reference Samples:

  • haze selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 60 submissions from 13 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #70 by haze is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #70 by haze