- $299
- 266
- Logo Name:
- TechPro Home Automation
- Company Intro:
- We Specialize in Audio, Video, Networking, Lighting Systems, Control Systems, Home Automation
- Instructions:
- Baby Blue, Black, Gray, White. Our current company logo is "TechPro Solutions" file which I've attached 2 versions of it we have. Our Marketing Rep we are working with came up with the "TechPro Home Automation" design that I've attached 2 versions as well that we are currently looking at to use. Would like to get some more ideas on the name and what logo you can come up with to summarize what we do. We like the font of the TechPro Home Automation but we are open for any ideas. We want to stay aware from shading of colors like our existing TechPro Solutions logo as it's very hard to print correctly on apparael we have made. Thank you, RJ
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 266 submissions from 74 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.