Marysville Middle College Academy

visited this project
2 years ago
Students and parents of incoming high school students who are highly motivated. This school completes not only 4 years of high school but in that same time frame 2 years of Junior college work leading towards transfers to universities or completion of industry certifications for high wage high demand fiels such as nursing or manufacturing.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Marysville Middle College Academy
    Company Intro:
    Students and parents of incoming high school students who are highly motivated. This school completes not only 4 years of high school but in that same time frame 2 years of Junior college work leading towards transfers to universities or completion of industry certifications for high wage high demand fiels such as nursing or manufacturing.
    Either have Marysville or MJUSD (or spelled out version) included somehow color scheme is forest green and gold with possibly a third accent color. Simple design round and other geometric shape designs as an option or an "open" concept Theme (audience) professionally educational appealing having both a youthful and modern style
  • Bob Eckardt2 years ago
    MJUSD stand for Marysville Joint Unified School District. We are hoping for a simple clean design, not too busy or "clunky"
  • subrata selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • agus selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • dewipadi selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 112 submissions from 29 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #140 by subrata
    #135 by agus
    #134 by done
    #133 by jaize
    #131 by Kraken
    #117 by dewipadi
    #116 by Artomoro
    #108 by extantion
    #102 by artery
    #91 by CindyPratiwi
    #80 by bezalel
    #79 by ingepro
    #74 by Coolwanz
    #71 by pambudi
    #69 by cintoko
    #66 by zonpipo1
    #63 by PRN123
    #57 by lintinganarto
    #55 by jancok
    #53 by Zeratu
    #52 by Adundas
    #49 by rizuki
    #46 by alby
    #40 by DDiancox
    #34 by cocote
    #33 by GemahRipah
    #29 by azizah
    #23 by paseo
    #21 by oke2angconcept
    ALL 112 Designs >
  • Design #138 by subrata is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #138 by subrata
  • Client purchase design #140 from subrata2 years ago
    #140 by subrata