visited this project
2 years ago
Safety Personal Security and Self Protection
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name
    Company Intro
    Safety Personal Security and Self Protection
    I have had one done here before. I am attaching it. I am not sure it it is what I ultimatley want to go with. So here are some thoughts below. Thoughts on the logo? still in design phase....want it to POP. Make a statement. The triangle is one of the strongest structures in the world (as is the human mind: the power of the mind). Blue, POWERFUL like Water (the second most powerful color in the world; yet not intimidating, aka NON VIOLENT): Blue also represents FREE FLOWING, NOT RIGID in thought or movement. AND, it is also known as FREEDOM, from FEAR (Face Everything and RISE). The triangle is open as to show having an "OPEN" mind to new, up-to-date, better information / training. Black, the most POWERFUL color, in the words SELF PROTECTION because one MUST BE! It symbolizes the sign of STRENGTH, to PROTECT! We must be first STRONG in the MIND to Face Everything and RISE, OPEN to becoming comfortable in discomfort (new ideas, training modules, cognitive understanding, situational awareness and being, as the English put it, "Turned on Always" so we can ultimately become EMPOWERED with the Mindset, Principles and Tactics to SURVIVE all that life throws at us; mentally, physically, medically, financially, spiritually, socially, in relationships and everything in between. I have continued to dive into it, looking deep....and, as a PROTECTOR, a SHIELD mayi be incorporated, and, it may also be in circle form, like 360 degrees.....So still playing.
    Empowered Logo.jpg

    Reference Samples

  • T
    Todd Peters2 years ago
    It is ok to come up with something creative on your own as well. My mission is to help keep the world safe by empowering ppl with skills necessary to overcome any and all challenges.
  • T
    Todd Peters2 years ago
    Hey all, thank you for your designs. The original I attached is one done from this service and I do like it. But I am also looking other options, designs, so you don't neccesarily have to use the way the geometric E is in the original design or the way EMPOWERED is displayed. Thanks. Excited to see what ya come up with.
  • lintinganarto selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • ekitessar selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 139 submissions from 48 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #180 by lintinganarto
    #174 by ekitessar
    #158 by graphicstar
    #157 by jonggol
    #156 by ndndn
    #155 by Sami Ur Rab
    #153 by wriddhi
    #148 by giphone
    #147 by Gwerth
    #140 by Dhieko
    #133 by jaize
    #128 by keylogo
    #127 by zonpipo1
    #126 by usef44
    #110 by Girly
    #109 by Asani Chie
    #108 by Doublee
    #106 by Aalvin
    #105 by Kirito
    #102 by sodimejo
    #86 by berkah271
    #79 by ragnar
    #72 by azizah
    #71 by almaula
    #68 by mmyousuf
    #63 by cintoko
    #59 by Rizqy
    #56 by rief
    #54 by clayjensen
    #50 by BeeOne
    #49 by Giandra
    #47 by savana
    #44 by dewipadi
    #42 by Arindam Midya
    #40 by Msinur
    #38 by Koushik
    #35 by ElonStark
    #34 by DuckOn
    #26 by MAXR
    #25 by ozenkgraphic
    #20 by oscar_
    #19 by violin
    #18 by onetm
    #14 by jancok
    #13 by Humhum
    #11 by paseo
    #7 by diki
    #3 by Artomoro
    ALL 139 Designs >
  • Design #174 by ekitessar is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #174 by ekitessar