Exponential Blogging LLC

visited this project
2 years ago
Our business publishes blog articles. Our current tagline for the company is: "A digital media company helping the world make sense to you." The target audience is probably people who are considering us in from a business perspective to try and confirm whether or not we are a real company or not lol. Linkedin, a landing page, etc.
  • Design Brief2 years ago
    Logo Name
    Exponential Blogging LLC
    Company Intro
    Our business publishes blog articles. Our current tagline for the company is: "A digital media company helping the world make sense to you." The target audience is probably people who are considering us in from a business perspective to try and confirm whether or not we are a real company or not lol. Linkedin, a landing page, etc.
    One of our websites is SortaTechy.com, so, you can consider that logo as well as the ones I've flagged above. We'd like there to be some kind of logo or symbol that indicates we work with knowledge (maybe a digital cloud coalescing into an hourglass, or, like something that hints at assembling something that isn't put together yet?). It needs to work primarily as color or black on white, and may also be presented with a black background, so please take that into account. Please use the words "Exponential Blogging", but if you'd like to suggest alternates that are ONLY a logo with EB worked into it somehow, please feel free to do so. We're honestly not sure which we'd prefer at this point. Some other symbols you could use: a quill on parchment or something that symbolizes writing, a typewriter, keyboard, etc. - you are evoking the idea that we write and/or create, so, idk, please ask questions if you have them, and thanks in advance to attempting to decode all of this...👍🏻

    Reference Samples

  • done selected as finalist!2 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed2 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 163 submissions from 45 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #171 by done
    #166 by Sami Ur Rab
    #164 by zeeshan
    #162 by denfransko
    #161 by KaySa
    #159 by Zeratu
    #158 by usef44
    #156 by restuti
    #154 by kevlogo
    #152 by Ayash Mahardika
    #151 by Ahmad Subahman
    #150 by planoLOGO
    #144 by Gwerth
    #140 by Doublee
    #138 by bigboss
    #133 by up2date
    #130 by zonpipo1
    #119 by dewipadi
    #118 by creativemind01
    #117 by Zevyy
    #115 by jaize
    #112 by yeve
    #107 by Franky.
    #105 by Webphixo
    #103 by leduy87qn
    #102 by Riyana
    #98 by zegeningen
    #97 by muda_belia
    #93 by ozenkgraphic
    #89 by vuunex
    #87 by Sintia Devi
    #86 by onetm
    #76 by Lewung
    #75 by ingepro
    #45 by hopee
    #44 by DeyXyner
    #42 by ArRizqu
    #39 by qonaah
    #35 by RIANW
    #28 by scania
    #27 by oke2angconcept
    #24 by kanal
    #23 by violin
    #16 by Artomoro
    #6 by Garmos
    ALL 163 Designs >
  • Design #171 by done is declared WINNER!2 years ago
    #171 by done