- $129
- 234
- Logo Name:
- MSI Distribution
- Company Intro:
- Medical industry, hospitals, schools, industrial, safety industry. MSI stands for "Medical, Safety, Industrial" We are also considering and wanting to look at logos for the name "MedPlus Distribution". Looking for options with the word plus or using our Logos ( the Cross) as a representation of the Plus
- Instructions:
- We are looking for a new logo that incorporates/combining the existing logos for ALG Health and Breathe Medical into one company Logo. We drew in pencil what we kinda want. But we are open to other ideas.
Reference Samples:
- HWe would like more designs for the company name: MedPlus Distribution -- Again incorporating both logos of ALG and Breathe into one.
Open design concept stage had ended with 234 submissions from 64 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.