- $129
- 128
- Logo Name:
- Alpha West Empowerment Foundation, Inc.
- Company Intro:
- I am seeking a logo and design for a lapel pin for the Alpha West Empowerment Foundation, Inc. (AWEF), a non profit entity. Abbreviation is okay. Target audience is socially conscious individuals 18-80 years of age. You can black and old gold as the primary colors, but doesn’t have to be exclusive. Please avoid a solid black background. Logo should not include red, blue or purple. Following is some relevant background: PURPOSE: The purpose of the Alpha West Empowerment Foundation, Inc. Is to raise money to educate, enable and empower communities through support of programs, initiatives and scholarships, strategically focused on education, economic development, healthcare, and social justice. DONOR LEVELS: Concerned individuals (contributors) shall be recognized as members of The Circle of Legends and can participate at the following giving levels: Spark: $1 - $1000 Ignite: $1001 – 2,499 Flame: $2,500 – 4,999 Blaze: $5,000 – 9,999 Torch Bearer: $10,000
- Instructions:
- Graphic should be clean and crisp with a very modern and sleek look and feel. It should reflect the high class organization that we are working to build. Also, it needs to be something that will be compelling for people to wear on their lapel.
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 128 submissions from 36 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.