Integrators Institute
Integrators Institute is a consulting firm who works with business owners who have recently hired their "Integrator". This Integrator is the business owner's saving grace, as the business owners is typically a "visionary" who needs someone to actually implement and turn his/her vision into reality. An integrator manages the sales, marketing and operations of a company, getting down and dirty in the work of it all and crates systems, processes and makes things easier for the visionary of the company. The visionary comes up with the idea, the Integrator follows through and makes it a tangible reality. We train Integrators on how to better serve the visionary and the business. We walk with them in real-time projects and happenings in the business, mentor them in real-time as we tackle current projects to teach them how to think, and look over their shoulder via Zoom calls and virtual meetings to walk them through creating what they need to create to do their job. Our target audience are very intelligent and sharp action takers who are used to working with high level investors, business owners and minds.- $129
- 82
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