Reyes Montanaro Foundation

visited this project
9 months ago
It’s going to be a foundation to help people in need , children , the elderly , toys in Christmas , supplies for places housing homeless, school supplies in back to school, sick people that can not afford their medication , etc!
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name
    Reyes Montanaro Foundation
    Company Intro
    It’s going to be a foundation to help people in need , children , the elderly , toys in Christmas , supplies for places housing homeless, school supplies in back to school, sick people that can not afford their medication , etc!
    I really like the Davis islands design but with the heart and hands of the purposed heart logo, however, Instead of red and dark grey in the heart , I would rather have the the aqua color on the David island, with the dark grey of purposed heart. Pretty much I made it very simple for you guys, it’s just copy, past and change colors, however , I am open to other designs and ideas as well, surprise me I like the folowing designs too:

    Reference Samples

  • aldesign selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 121 submissions from 35 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #140 by denfransko
    #139 by Gwerth
    #134 by Greenlight
    #132 by nikkiblue
    #124 by pencilhand
    #120 by Realistis
    #117 by jaize
    #111 by Rossee
    #110 by kunejo
    #109 by xevair god
    #98 by Webphixo
    #97 by akilis13
    #92 by ingepro
    #89 by aldesign
    #88 by oke2angconcept
    #87 by Kirito
    #85 by Pompi
    #84 by ruki
    #81 by ElonStark
    #75 by nusa
    #73 by jonggol
    #72 by Ppradikas31
    #67 by Dawnxisoul393
    #61 by cintoko
    #57 by Adundas
    #56 by Fear
    #51 by InitialD
    #48 by bigboss
    #42 by zeta
    #35 by Artomoro
    #27 by pixalrahul
    #26 by RIANW
    #25 by dewipadi
    #24 by cikiyunn
    #8 by ozenkgraphic
    ALL 121 Designs >
  • Design #89 by aldesign is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #89 by aldesign