
visited this project
3 years ago
It's for an informational/news blog about the hobby niche. Main topics are Warhammer (miniature wargaming) and Dungeons & Dragons. Target audience is geeks, hobby enthusiasts, tabletop gamers. Adults and teenagers (mostly adults)
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Company Intro:
    It's for an informational/news blog about the hobby niche. Main topics are Warhammer (miniature wargaming) and Dungeons & Dragons. Target audience is geeks, hobby enthusiasts, tabletop gamers. Adults and teenagers (mostly adults)
    Ideas (stick with whichever you like more): 1 - imitate the copyrighted official warhammer logo (example 1), do an own impression of golden hammer, with a lookalike font, maybe include "HH" for "HobbyHammer" 2 - include any version of the warhammer chaos symbol, which isn't copyrighted (examples 2,3 and 4) 3 - do own impression (re-hash) of somebodies unofficial Dungeons & Dragons logo (example 5) P.S. It would be great to use one of the above ideas for the main HobbyHammer logo. And another one for the website header banner (1200 x 400 pixels)
    example 1.png
    example 4.png
    example 3.jpg
    example 2.png
    example 5.png

    Reference Samples:

  • DreamLogoDesign selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 28 submissions from 13 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #29 by uttam
    #28 by gomadesign
    #26 by MarkindDesign
    #22 by Kruger
    #21 by Gwerth
    #19 by O Ijo
    #17 by jaize
    #15 by RIFQI
    #11 by Suvendu
    #10 by DreamLogoDesign
    #6 by garam
    #4 by pilKB
    #1 by Artomoro
    ALL 28 Designs >
  • Design #8 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!3 years ago