
visited this project
2 months ago
We are a leading manufacturing & distribution company in eastern and southern Africa, producing a product that is consumed by 10-15% of the population and also being classified by many as a FMCG product. To keep out consumers satisfied we need to stay ahead of the ever-evolving retail space. Our target market varies depending on the specific Brand in question and needs to be adaptable and relevant to the audience. We therefore need to ensure our own employees stay empowered and up-skilled at all times as we need to evolve just as fast (if not faster) than our consumers. We need to identify the trends and set them. This project aims to create a cement a foundation of a "Learning Culture" in our business whereby our employees WANT to learn as it allows them to define their own future. We will allow them to choose what they want to learn, and not enforce it, but rather encourage it. We would like to empower each employee to achieve wonderful and inspiring things based on the area they are positioned in.
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Nameļ¼š
    Company Introļ¼š
    We are a leading manufacturing & distribution company in eastern and southern Africa, producing a product that is consumed by 10-15% of the population and also being classified by many as a FMCG product. To keep out consumers satisfied we need to stay ahead of the ever-evolving retail space. Our target market varies depending on the specific Brand in question and needs to be adaptable and relevant to the audience. We therefore need to ensure our own employees stay empowered and up-skilled at all times as we need to evolve just as fast (if not faster) than our consumers. We need to identify the trends and set them. This project aims to create a cement a foundation of a "Learning Culture" in our business whereby our employees WANT to learn as it allows them to define their own future. We will allow them to choose what they want to learn, and not enforce it, but rather encourage it. We would like to empower each employee to achieve wonderful and inspiring things based on the area they are positioned in.
    Because of the environment we work in, we would like our staff to emerge themselves into the different learning possibilities we have to offer and create a culture where knowledge is seen as satisfying for the soul and body as well as career growth. Our company is based in Africa so we would like a logo that embodies the essence of our African culture, but also screams that learning and knowledge will empower you to do great things. We want this logo to be fun and inspiring. We have attached a 2 moodboards to this as well as a breakdown of our CI colours that should be used to inform colours used in the design.
    Horizons - 1.png
    Horizons - 2.png
    Screenshot 2022-03-29 at 13.58.59.png
  • bigboss selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 76 submissions from 37 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #86 by done
    #85 by bigboss
    #83 by MarkindDesign
    #80 by kopipanas
    #74 by rief
    #72 by jaize
    #70 by Latif
    #69 by Kirito
    #68 by Lewung
    #67 by Bhaskar Shil
    #63 by garam
    #61 by Susanti
    #60 by restuti
    #58 by akupamungkas
    #57 by FloVal
    #55 by KQ5
    #51 by carman
    #49 by Fear
    #42 by EkoBooM
    #39 by DreamLogoDesign
    #32 by Artomoro
    #28 by cintoko
    #27 by ansh
    #25 by Azfar.T
    #24 by dewipadi
    #23 by Popay
    #22 by 4rk4
    #20 by sitizen
    #19 by cintya
    #17 by Neng Khusna
    #15 by YONK
    #14 by ian69
    #12 by PRN123
    #8 by Timmy Nguyen
    #6 by keylogo
    #4 by aryamaity
    #1 by onetm
    ALL 76 Designs >
  • Design #46 by bigboss is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #46 by bigboss