Freezy Bites

visited this project
3 years ago
we take candy, ice cream and snacks and Freeze Dry them. We then pack them in small mylar bags and resell them. Our target base would be kids to adults. anyone that would enjoy a puffy treat.
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Freezy Bites
    Company Intro:
    we take candy, ice cream and snacks and Freeze Dry them. We then pack them in small mylar bags and resell them. Our target base would be kids to adults. anyone that would enjoy a puffy treat.
    Style- 50's concession style that would go great with a Jingle. Candy bag with feet and hands. I like american traditional/ rubber nose style if possible but open to ideas. Nothing cheesy This logo will also need to be identifiable enough to go onto a small bag of candy. The jingle goes something like this: Freezy Bites, Freezy Bites Their so crunchy and their light Freezy Bites, Freezy Bites Their a wonderful delight

    Reference Samples:

  • rizuki selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • DreamLogoDesign selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 35 submissions from 15 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #41 by DreamLogoDesign
    #40 by rizuki
    #35 by Kirito
    #30 by Gwerth
    #29 by jaize
    #24 by Suvendu
    #23 by Koushik
    #18 by igor1408
    #17 by Carli
    #16 by usashi
    #14 by fawadyk
    #11 by senja03
    #4 by veron
    #3 by Foxcody
    #2 by Artomoro
    ALL 35 Designs >
  • Design #41 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #41 by DreamLogoDesign