visited this project
3 years ago
Target: Very small business focused, skilled trades contractors in the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical trades, and non-profit organizations with life-skills training programs specializing in women and minorities. This is a mobile skilled trades training business that comes on-site at a location selected by a contractor/organization to teach basic, universal skills in the skilled trades for individuals looking to get into a skilled trade either new to the trade or career change into a skilled trade. We will have an 18'-20' enclosed mobile trailer setup to teach programs to individuals and pair them up with very small sized contractors (1-6 person shops is the preferred target contractor size) that are needing to fill entry level positions in their selected trade with individuals looking to gain hands-on experience. MOSTT is designed specifically to aid very small companies be successful and competitive in the extremely difficult hiring environment within the skilled trades, while assisting individuals to discover the many opportunities skilled trades offers and to achieve a very rewarding career within the skilled trades. Specializing primarily in HVAC, plumbing, and electrical to begin.
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Company Intro:
    Target: Very small business focused, skilled trades contractors in the HVAC, plumbing, and electrical trades, and non-profit organizations with life-skills training programs specializing in women and minorities. This is a mobile skilled trades training business that comes on-site at a location selected by a contractor/organization to teach basic, universal skills in the skilled trades for individuals looking to get into a skilled trade either new to the trade or career change into a skilled trade. We will have an 18'-20' enclosed mobile trailer setup to teach programs to individuals and pair them up with very small sized contractors (1-6 person shops is the preferred target contractor size) that are needing to fill entry level positions in their selected trade with individuals looking to gain hands-on experience. MOSTT is designed specifically to aid very small companies be successful and competitive in the extremely difficult hiring environment within the skilled trades, while assisting individuals to discover the many opportunities skilled trades offers and to achieve a very rewarding career within the skilled trades. Specializing primarily in HVAC, plumbing, and electrical to begin.
    Tagline: Get the MOSTT out of your training MOSTT is short for: Mobile Skilled Technician Training No "fire and ice", toilets/sinks, or electrical wiring/electric bolts types of logo please...this is a business that will begin with specializing in HVAC, plumbing, and electrical but may have an opportunity to grow into additional skilled trades in the future. The logo should be able to be understood that it is a hands-on skilled trades training program and is not a company that performs service/maintenance/installation in these skilled trades.

    Reference Samples:

  • K
    Krista Miller3 years ago
    I would like for the logo to clarify what the training program is focused on if at all possible...the skilled trades...a logo that can be viewed and have a general idea of what the company does.
  • agus selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • sanworks selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 359 submissions from 54 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #381 by agus
    #380 by sanworks
    #286 by xbrand
    #284 by aganpiki
    #263 by Gwerth
    #257 by Meherab
    #242 by azizah
    #238 by jaize
    #236 by shumoffcompany
    #234 by DreamCather
    #225 by mikha01
    #224 by Foxcody
    #195 by mukleyRx
    #193 by oke2angconcept
    #191 by zeta
    #188 by usashi
    #185 by Gandri Hendra
    #170 by akilis13
    #167 by vuunex
    #166 by BeezlyDesigns
    #154 by ndndn
    #133 by luckyprasetyo
    #131 by Fear
    #124 by GemahRipah
    #122 by Sheilla
    #118 by bomie
    #114 by Neng Khusna
    #100 by Ttyson
    #92 by ingepro
    #85 by bigboss
    #81 by cintoko
    #79 by dasigns
    #72 by Koushik
    #69 by ElonStark
    #66 by ian69
    #61 by NadeIlakes
    #58 by GassPoll
    #57 by Girly
    #56 by Franky.
    #53 by yondi
    #44 by xtrada99
    #41 by hopee
    #40 by zegeningen
    #36 by lokiasan
    #34 by dewipadi
    #32 by muda_belia
    #30 by EkoBooM
    #29 by lintinganarto
    #26 by Asani Chie
    #21 by gilkkj
    #19 by Artomoro
    #18 by gateout
    #12 by javaz
    #5 by y7ce
    ALL 359 Designs >
  • Design #366 by agus is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #366 by agus