Rios En El Desierto

visited this project
2 years ago
This design is for a website and all things advertising to connect social media and the world with an orphanage in Guadalajara Mexico. The name River in the Desert is due to the fact there is hope springing from none to help these children and their siblings by chance encounter, to become happy healthy adults through the care of this orphanage. The logo will also be used for fundraising to help them provide for these children in the future. Most of the original children were placed here due to abuse or parent drug addiction. This is a small orphanage that is in dire need of donations so being user friendly is a must with the logo.
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Rios En El Desierto
    Company Intro:
    This design is for a website and all things advertising to connect social media and the world with an orphanage in Guadalajara Mexico. The name River in the Desert is due to the fact there is hope springing from none to help these children and their siblings by chance encounter, to become happy healthy adults through the care of this orphanage. The logo will also be used for fundraising to help them provide for these children in the future. Most of the original children were placed here due to abuse or parent drug addiction. This is a small orphanage that is in dire need of donations so being user friendly is a must with the logo.
    I would love for the image to be either round or oblong with the widest point being the sides of the design. It should have brilliant colors, simple lettering, local vegetation (bird of paradise and pompous or grass near the stream and cactus in the hills or sandy rocks far from the stream) the stream should be meandering or winding down the hillside getting larger at the bottom and be a brilliant aqua or blue/green with the sun perched high above the entire image. I would like the words of Rios En El Desierto to be either above, below or above and below the design of the river running from the mountains to the base of the design. Good luck!!!

    Reference Samples:

  • Koushik Mondal selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 28 submissions from 8 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

  • Design #27 by DreamLogoDesign is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #27 by DreamLogoDesign
  • Client purchase design #25 from Koushik3 years ago
    #25 by Koushik