CU Shop With A Cop

visited this project
9 months ago
Shop with a cop is a charity organization that takes the youth in different communities and pairs them with a police officer to shop for toys and clothes during Christmas time. Part of this mission is to change the way the world looks at men and women in uniform. Definitely up for any cool ideas so feel free to be original. I included three photos below That caught My eye
  • Design Brief3 years ago
    Logo Name:
    CU Shop With A Cop
    Company Intro:
    Shop with a cop is a charity organization that takes the youth in different communities and pairs them with a police officer to shop for toys and clothes during Christmas time. Part of this mission is to change the way the world looks at men and women in uniform. Definitely up for any cool ideas so feel free to be original. I included three photos below That caught My eye
    If you Google shop with a cop there’s some cool ideas but we’d like to create our own version of a Santa/incorporate a police officer and a kid with toys. Also interested in any fresh ideas or original ideas about this theme. I included a couple photos. I like the idea of showing a couple kids of all races and may be a version of all three of these combined. I like the cop car and I like the kid in the cart to getting pushed by an officer. Have some fun. CU stands for our community champaign - Urbana
  • M
    Michael Namoff3 years ago
  • fawadyk selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • veron selected as finalist!3 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 47 submissions from 9 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #51 by DreamLogoDesign
    #45 by fawadyk
    #44 by veron
    #43 by DanizmaArt
    #35 by Godvibes
    #28 by Carli
    #27 by Kirito
    #18 by ElonStark
    #9 by Suvendu
    ALL 47 Designs >
  • Design #45 by fawadyk is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #45 by fawadyk