2 Tangled Roots Microgreens

visited this project
4 years ago
Myself and my 12 year old daughter are growing microgreens out of our home ( vertical urban farming ) for profit and consumption. Our target audience is, farmers markets, high end restraunts, health food grocery stores and individuals that want to make health their priority.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Nameļ¼š
    2 Tangled Roots Microgreens
    Company Introļ¼š
    Myself and my 12 year old daughter are growing microgreens out of our home ( vertical urban farming ) for profit and consumption. Our target audience is, farmers markets, high end restraunts, health food grocery stores and individuals that want to make health their priority.
    Something simple with a clever way to tie in the number 2 ( representing my daughter and I and our family roots ). Just black and green. A look that sits in between very corporate and soft and cuteā€¦.
  • ElonStark selected as finalist!4 years ago
  • PMG selected as finalist!4 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 62 submissions from 13 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #65 by PMG
    #60 by ElonStark
    #44 by jaize
    #35 by invento
    #23 by valace
    #20 by Akisaputra
    #15 by oke2angconcept
    #12 by daywalker
    #11 by Bhaskar Shil
    #8 by uttam
    #3 by hidro
    #2 by aryamaity
    #1 by p0peye
    ALL 62 Designs >
  • Design #60 by ElonStark is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #60 by ElonStark