- $129
- 39
- Logo Name:
- Scary FM
- Company Intro:
- Scary FM is a website and premium podcast network. The logo(s) will serve as a main website logo and as the main image on our Twitter and other social media accounts. Scary FM the home for podcasts about dark, eerie stories in audio format. The audience is general, from 13-34 are our main demographics, split evenly men and women, so the content does not have sensitive topics (no blood/gore, no satanic or religious, no weapons, and no adult content).
- Instructions:
- I would like the design to be simple and look more handdrawn than digital (like the logos Taylored Events LLC and Tiffical Public Relations sample logos above). The colors we would like to use are black and a deep red, like wine-red, and white. Ideally, it would say "Scary FM" and would subtly hint that this is a podcast/audio brand with scary stories, or with a "radio" theme. Icons I have used are dead trees/silhouettes, vintage music boxes, and spider webs. I will attach two of the cover art images for two podcasts that will be displayed along the logo.
Reference Samples:
Open design concept stage had ended with 39 submissions from 22 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.