black rack brew

visited this project
2 years ago
We have a restaurant bar smokehouse called the Black Rack (see logo) we have adjoining coffee bar that we want to call Brew. So Black Rack Brew. It will be a coffee roastery as well as eventually a microbrewery. So brew covering both aspects. Would like something simple like original logo for cool merch. Would like perhaps coffee cup vector or coffee bean/hops vector or coffee mug/beer glass etc? The Deer Antlers intertwined as steam off a coffee cup? Simple but contemporary. Black and white.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    black rack brew
    Company Intro:
    We have a restaurant bar smokehouse called the Black Rack (see logo) we have adjoining coffee bar that we want to call Brew. So Black Rack Brew. It will be a coffee roastery as well as eventually a microbrewery. So brew covering both aspects. Would like something simple like original logo for cool merch. Would like perhaps coffee cup vector or coffee bean/hops vector or coffee mug/beer glass etc? The Deer Antlers intertwined as steam off a coffee cup? Simple but contemporary. Black and white.
    Id live to see the bottom coffee cup vector used if possible?

    Reference Samples:

  • jonggol selected as finalist!4 years ago
  • Client416974 years ago
    i like these too, would like to see 1 logo with hops, coffee bean, coffee cup and beer glass if possible? would like to buy another in the same style with fork, coffee cup, beer glass and fire
  • Client416974 years ago
    This hop or similar rather than the fire? But also need one Black Rack under logo with cutley/beer glass/coffee cup like attached and fire
  • Client416974 years ago
  • Client416974 years ago
  • Client416974 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 200 submissions from 62 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #212 by jonggol
    #197 by Mardhi
    #196 by MUNAROH
    #193 by Greenlight
    #192 by Kanya
    #185 by Susanti
    #184 by jaize
    #180 by Nnoepran
    #178 by zeta
    #177 by REDCROW
    #171 by JessicaLopes
    #170 by Andri Herdiansyah
    #169 by Charly_Project
    #159 by serprimero
    #158 by ElonStark
    #157 by kunejo
    #147 by coco
    #144 by WRDY
    #143 by Kruger
    #142 by emberdezign
    #138 by desynergy
    #137 by art84
    #136 by Bens Lucas
    #135 by cikiyunn
    #132 by gateout
    #129 by puthreeone
    #127 by daywalker
    #126 by Suvendu
    #121 by GassPoll
    #120 by y7ce
    #117 by MarkindDesign
    #116 by Artomoro
    #115 by cintoko
    #112 by Franky.
    #110 by luckyprasetyo
    #96 by p0peye
    #94 by nikkl
    #91 by betapramudya
    #90 by Foxcody
    #85 by giphone
    #83 by rokenrol
    #82 by anf375
    #81 by yossign
    #77 by MAXR
    #75 by bombers
    #71 by ingepro
    #66 by ruki
    #56 by hopee
    #53 by ajiansoca
    #51 by haze
    #46 by Akisaputra
    #45 by hoqi
    #44 by Msinur
    #42 by Scrap Arts
    #36 by cybil
    #30 by Girly
    #28 by ManishKoli
    #25 by funsdesigns
    #19 by aflah
    #17 by aryamaity
    #10 by josephira
    #9 by RIANW
    ALL 200 Designs >
  • Design #209 by jonggol is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #209 by jonggol