Trucking Wins or Trucking Wins, LLC

visited this project
3 years ago
See the attached items. We are building out an online, member ONLY Access to John Seidl. John is one of the most sought after DOT experts in the country. He works with larger trucking companies to help them with safety, regulation and insurance. I went to a clickfunnels conference and it hit me that we could scale this information and start up an online course. We are going to be producing a library worth of training material and content for trucking companies so that they can compete on the same level as the big companies that pay John $3000 a day to come in and do a compliance audit or review. Trucking Company owners need and want this information so they can lower thier expenses and boost revenues. When you join our course and training, you will have access to John, private FB group with other peers. Access to a member only portal with all types of training material that can be used for both the owners and the drivers. This is very nitche stuff. Their are so many trucking companies and we are going to be running ads at them. Cost of product will be likely around $999 for life time membership or thier will be a monthly membership
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Trucking Wins or Trucking Wins, LLC
    Company Intro:
    See the attached items. We are building out an online, member ONLY Access to John Seidl. John is one of the most sought after DOT experts in the country. He works with larger trucking companies to help them with safety, regulation and insurance. I went to a clickfunnels conference and it hit me that we could scale this information and start up an online course. We are going to be producing a library worth of training material and content for trucking companies so that they can compete on the same level as the big companies that pay John $3000 a day to come in and do a compliance audit or review. Trucking Company owners need and want this information so they can lower thier expenses and boost revenues. When you join our course and training, you will have access to John, private FB group with other peers. Access to a member only portal with all types of training material that can be used for both the owners and the drivers. This is very nitche stuff. Their are so many trucking companies and we are going to be running ads at them. Cost of product will be likely around $999 for life time membership or thier will be a monthly membership
    This is all about trucking and appealing to trucking company owners. 80% of which are small trucking companies that need the most help. WE believe they are more conservative, less regulation, lower taxes as business owners and lower fuel costs. These are your blue collar type people, simple folk. Looking for a design that resignates with them, doesn't look to fancy. I think a semi truck would look great and would be easily identifiable. Maybe a road. Showing moving forward, progressing, WINNING and growing your compamy. Follow us and we will lead your company out of misery and into profitability. We want John to appear as this larger than life figure in the trucking industry and in order to succeed, you need his guidance. We like the name Trucking Wins, LLC. It's simple and to the point, our course is all about winning. Let me know what other info you need. Colors, red, white and blue are always good colors. Open to different ideas or variations. We are calling John the DOT Coach, someone that mentors others and is an expert in their craft. I attached some possible taglines we were thinking about.
    Trucking Wins Logo Brief.pdf
    What My DOT Consultant Will Do For Us.pdf
    DOT Project.pdf

    Reference Samples:

  • gearfx selected as finalist!4 years ago
  • kunejo selected as finalist!4 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed3 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 58 submissions from 12 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #58 by gearfx
    #54 by kunejo
    #28 by zonpipo1
    #25 by aRBy
    #23 by denfransko
    #22 by Artomoro
    #19 by PRN123
    #17 by Greenlight
    #10 by Suvendu
    #8 by jaize
    #6 by hopee
    #4 by ElonStark
    ALL 58 Designs >
  • Design #51 by gearfx is declared WINNER!3 years ago
    #51 by gearfx