Gilbert Microgreens

visited this project
4 years ago
Im starting a Microgreens business. If you don"t know what microgreens are Microgreens are a premature plant or vegetable that is harvested between 6-20 days of growth. They are harvested briefly after the sprouting stage when the first leaves begin to form. . Im growing and selling the microgreens to the local community. I want my audience to appeal to people who live healthy eating lifestyles and also people looking to boost their health.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    Gilbert Microgreens
    Company Intro:
    Im starting a Microgreens business. If you don"t know what microgreens are Microgreens are a premature plant or vegetable that is harvested between 6-20 days of growth. They are harvested briefly after the sprouting stage when the first leaves begin to form. . Im growing and selling the microgreens to the local community. I want my audience to appeal to people who live healthy eating lifestyles and also people looking to boost their health.
    The three photos are pictures of microgreens. I want the logo to have green in it and a microgreen in it. The third uploaded photo the one that just has the soil and the microgreens growing out of it, I was thinking if the logo had a similarity to that photo but have just a few microgreens growing out of some soil would be a simple but effective logo.

    Reference Samples:

  • yans selected as finalist!4 years ago
  • jetzu selected as finalist!4 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 98 submissions from 22 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #110 by mutafailan
    #103 by Rexi_777
    #96 by Artomoro
    #92 by xien
    #90 by DreamLogoDesign
    #84 by jetzu
    #80 by ElonStark
    #72 by SOLARFLARE
    #67 by aryamaity
    #66 by jaize
    #64 by torresace
    #63 by parinduri
    #62 by up2date
    #60 by zegeningen
    #38 by ingepro
    #36 by Rizqy
    #35 by Suvendu
    #30 by luckyprasetyo
    #15 by sndezzo
    #6 by Meyda
    #3 by p0peye
    #1 by kurnia
    ALL 98 Designs >
  • Design #97 by mutafailan is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #97 by mutafailan
  • N
    Nathaniel Bodem4 years ago
    I also paid for a business card and a word template. Do you know how I acquire those?