black golfers association (BGA)

visited this project
8 months ago
We are a black golf group which formed in 2012. We started this group to find people of color to play golf with. We love competition, fellowship with each other after the rounds an we have golf instructors and teachers and counselors that want to grow the game of golf in our communities. I believe the BGA will make a huge impact on golfers of color if we can get our kids interested at a young age. My logo will need to be able to reach across to the young people as well as women and older men. We will be starting a web site with memberships for anyone wanting to support this venture regardless of race, color or gender. We will also have an online store to purchase several BGA golf accessories and apparel. We are trying to make golf in our community cool and fun and to show our youth that sports does not just revolve around Football and basketball. We will also teach our members about the black history behind this game called golf and where we contributed.
  • Design Brief4 years ago
    Logo Name:
    black golfers association (BGA)
    Company Intro:
    We are a black golf group which formed in 2012. We started this group to find people of color to play golf with. We love competition, fellowship with each other after the rounds an we have golf instructors and teachers and counselors that want to grow the game of golf in our communities. I believe the BGA will make a huge impact on golfers of color if we can get our kids interested at a young age. My logo will need to be able to reach across to the young people as well as women and older men. We will be starting a web site with memberships for anyone wanting to support this venture regardless of race, color or gender. We will also have an online store to purchase several BGA golf accessories and apparel. We are trying to make golf in our community cool and fun and to show our youth that sports does not just revolve around Football and basketball. We will also teach our members about the black history behind this game called golf and where we contributed.
    I want the logo to resemble elegance, corporate, strength, sleek, business. This logo need to separate us from the norm of golf logo designs. We need to be seen as an exclusive group. Like the black card of credit cards.

    Reference Samples:

  • cikiyunn is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • adias is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • LogoQueen is selected as the contest finalist!4 years ago
  • Design Concepts Completed4 years ago

    Open design concept stage had ended with 133 submissions from 36 designers. Go to DESIGNS tab to view all submissions.

    #151 by Putraja
    #141 by cikiyunn
    #140 by LogoQueen
    #121 by kopipanas
    #120 by wongndeso
    #115 by fadlan
    #113 by ozenkgraphic
    #111 by ubai popi
    #110 by daywalker
    #106 by jaize
    #104 by yunda
    #101 by agus
    #98 by ElonStark
    #93 by jonggol
    #92 by M J
    #91 by lintinganarto
    #87 by Mahrein
    #85 by Suvendu
    #83 by Wwebmall
    #82 by Adundas
    #80 by cintoko
    #71 by RatuCempaka
    #69 by czars
    #68 by enzidesign
    #66 by Humhum
    #61 by Franky.
    #52 by Girly
    #42 by zinnia
    #29 by Garmos
    #28 by christabel
    #18 by fritsB
    #15 by sycho
    #14 by aryamaity
    #13 by KQ5
    #7 by bombers
    #4 by johana
    ALL 133 Designs >
  • Design #131 by cikiyunn is declared WINNER!4 years ago
    #131 by cikiyunn